25 April 2010

Sitting Up Tall and Eating Solid Foods

Pretty much when Abraham turned 6 months, he was able to sit up for more than a couple seconds without help. Now, he's getting better and better at balancing himself. And since he's 6 months old now, we are really trying to have him eat some solid food at least once a day. Our pediatrician thinks he should eat solid food 3 times a day (we've only done that once, but getting better...) He is still learning how to use his tongue to swallow and how to keep the food actually in his mouth. :)

My mom is SO caring. She comes over once a week to give me time to focus on getting my homework done for Liberty University Online. Saul and I have one year left from the end of this summer to finish our bachelor's degrees and we are taking full quarters until then. It makes getting the work done so much easier with my mom's help. (I think she likes it, too) Well anyways, when she was over this past week we put Abraham in his Inglesina table-seat (it's not really a highchair, but more like a portable highchair and it attaches to our table; they have to sit up on their own to sit in it). He was able to totally sit up in it, and she fed him some baby oatmeal (more than he's ever eaten at one time before!)